
What to Do When You Experience Delayed After a Car Accident

Thousands of car accidents take place every year, leading to injuries. If you have been injured in a car accident, you may experience immediate pain. However, sometimes this pain may only appear hours or days later. When this happens, you may wonder if can still pursue a car accident injury claim to get compensated for your condition. While this can be confusing, there are things you can do to manage your delayed pain and pursue legal action following a vehicle collision. To learn more about your options, visit this page.

Reasons Pain May Not Be Felt Right after a Car Accident

Factors such as adrenaline, swelling, and inflammation can cause pain to be delayed following a crash. However, moments after an accident, a lot of people report pain and soreness once the adrenaline wears off. Your body needs time to adapt and settle down following any injuries sustained in a crash.

Injuries that Lead to Delayed Pain

Delayed pain after a car accident can be associated with any of the following injuries:

  • This mild traumatic injury (TBI) can happen when your brain sustains damage because of blunt trauma or skull shaking. Its symptoms include headaches, ringing in the ears, brain chemical changes, amnesia, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, blurry vision, and dizziness.
  • This injury happens when your skull and neck are violently shaken back and forth. Such sudden motion can lead to neck injuries and leave you feeling sore and stiff several days later. Its symptoms include shoulder pain, back and neck pain, headaches, swelling, and stiffness.
  • Delayed back pain. This indicates a more severe injury to your muscles, spinal discs, and vertebrae. You could end up with a pinched never or a herniated disc after a crash. You may not notice the symptoms of these conditions hours or days following the collision.

Treating Delayed Pain

If you are experiencing delayed pain, seek immediate medical attention. You need a doctor to examine your condition and give you appropriate treatment. While you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to manage your pain and minimize inflammation, it is best to see a doctor. Listen to your doctor’s recommendations and attend all prescribed follow-up appointments.

In addition, you should also document your symptoms or pain when you experience them. Communicate with the other party constantly for a possible claim filing. Never ignore the symptoms you experience after a car accident.  ignoring your pain can result in more serious health issues and make it hard to seek monetary compensation.


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