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lycamobile International Bundles For Belgium 5€-25€

Lycamobile is also working with International Bundles in Belgium with the best rates. Here we are going to discuss all the International Plans by the Lycamobile in Belgium with complete information and rates.

Lycamobile Belgium International Plans

Mali S Lycamobile International Plan

Here is the first International plan by the Lycamobile in Belgium, Mali S International Plan has 50 minutes to Mali any network, You need to pay 10€ for 30 days

Plan Mali S
Minutes 50 minutes to Mali any network
Price 10€
Validity 30 days

How to Activate Mali S

*139*551# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 551 to 3535.

Terms and conditions

No EU/EEA roaming allowance with this bundle.

Lycamobile Mali M Plan for Belgium

Lycamobile Mali M plan has 120 minutes to Mali any network, This plan is available at 20€  for 30-day validity.

Plan Mali M
Minutes 120 minutes to Mali any network
Price 20€
Validity 30 days

How to Activate Mali M

*139*552# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 552 to 3535.

Terms and conditions

No EU/EEA roaming allowance with this bundle.

International MIX M Lycamobile Belgium Plan

International MIX M plan by the Lycamobile for Belgium customers has 1000 minutes to India, Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, USA, and Belgium. You can get 5 GB National Data, Unlimited Lycamobile Belgium Calls along with EU Roaming. You will get all these features in 20€ for thirty days.

Plan International MIX M
Minutes 1000 Minutes to different countries
Data 5 GB
Lyca to Lyca Unlimited Lyca to Lyca Calls
EU Roaming
Price 20€
Validity 30 days

How to Activate Lycamobile Belgium Recommended Plan

*139*4005# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 4005 to 3535.

This bundle includes an EU Countries data roaming allowance of 5GB 3G. For more information on roaming within EU Countries and to view Lycamobile’s Fair Usage Policy.

You need to pay 20€ if you are buying online, Otherwise, you need to pay 25€.

International MIX S Lycamobile Belgium Plan

International MIX S Plan by Lycamobile for Belgium has 750 minutes to India, Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, USA, and Belgium. 2 GB National Data, Unlimited Lyca Belgium calls. This plan has EU Roaming, You need to pay 15€ for 30 days validity.


Plan International MIX S
Minutes 750 Minutes to different countries
Data 2 GB
Lyca to Lyca Unlimited Lyca to Lyca Calls
EU Roaming
Price 15€
Validity 30 days

How to Subscribe International MIX S Plan

*139*4004# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 4004 to 3535.

Asia Lycamobile Belgium Plan

Aisa Plan has 1000 minutes to China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Belgium. 1 GB National Data, Unlimited Lyca Belgium Calls along with EU Roaming. All these features are available at 10€ for 30 days validity.

Plan Asia Plan
Minutes 1000 Minutes to different countries
Data 1 GB
Lyca to Lyca Unlimited Lyca to Lyca Calls
EU Roaming
Price 10€
Validity 30 days

How to Activate Asia Plan

*139*4002# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 4002 to 3535.

This bundle includes an EU Countries data roaming allowance of 1GB 3G. For more information on roaming within EU Countries and to view Lycamobile’s Fair Usage Policy.

Lycamobile Morocco Orange S Plan For Belgium

Morocco Orange Plans has 50 minutes to morocco orange, along with EU Roaming. This plan is available at  10€.

Plan Morocco Orange S Plan
Minutes 50 Minutes to Morocco Orange
EU Roaming
Price 10€
Validity 30 days

How to Subscribe Morocco Orange Plan

*139*810# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 810 to 3535.

Terms and Conditions

Offer and prices valid under the following conditions: the purchase of a Morocco orange  S & M bundle includes only calls to Morocco orange, without any connection cost. The validity period of the bundle is 30 days from the date of activation. When the credit of the bundle is exhausted, or when it expires, the current standard rate applies, after a connection cost of €0.19. Any consumption not included in the bundle will be charged at the current standard rate.

Morocco orange bundle is only for calls made from Belgium and cannot be used in roaming. This bundle will be renewed automatically every 30 days, subject to available credit. To cancel auto-renew, simply dial *190# from your Lycamobile or call customer service at least 24 hours before the Morocco orange bundle expiration date. If the customer cancels the automatic renewal or does not have sufficient credit after the 30-day period, the bundle will not be renewed.

Lycaworld S Plan

Lycaworld S Plan has 300 Minutes to Lycaworld countries+Unlimited Free calls to the USA, You will get EU Roaming in this plan too. All these features cost you 5€ for 30 days.

Plan Lycaworld S
Minutes 300 Minutes to Lycaworld Countries+
Unlimited Calls USA
EU Roaming
Price 5€
Validity 30 days

How to Activate

*139*1675# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 1675 to 3535.

Lycamobile Morocco Plan

Morocco Plan by Lycamobile has 40 minutes to Moroc Telecom in Morocco, 1 GB National Data, 300 National, EU Roaming. All these features are available at 15€ for one month.

Plan Morocco Plan
Minutes 40 Minutes to Moroc Telecom
Data 1 GB
National Minutes 300 mins
EU Roaming
Price 15€
Validity 30 days

Existing customers

*139*4065# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 4065 to 3535.

Morocco Orange M Plan by Lyca

Morocco Orange M Plan by Lycamobile has 120 minutes to Morocco Orange, EU Roaming. This plan is available at 20€ for 1-month validity.

Plan Morocco Orange
Minutes 120 Minutes to Morocco Orange
EU Roaming
Price 15€
Validity 30 days

For Existing Customer

*139*820# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 820 to 3535.

Offer and prices valid under the following conditions: the purchase of a Morocco orange  S & M bundle includes only calls to Morocco orange, without any connection cost. The validity period of the bundle is 30 days from the date of activation. When the credit of the bundle is exhausted, or when it expires, the current standard rate applies, after a connection cost of €0.19. Any consumption not included in the bundle will be charged at the current standard rate.

Morocco orange bundle is only for calls made from Belgium and cannot be used in roaming. This bundle will be renewed automatically every 30 days, subject to available credit. To cancel auto-renew, simply dial *190# from your Lycamobile or call customer service at least 24 hours before the Morocco orange bundle expiration date. If the customer cancels the automatic renewal or does not have sufficient credit after the 30-day period, the bundle will not be renewed.

Lycamobile Pakistan Plan

Pakistan Plan by Lycamobile has 450 minutes to Pakistan Landline+Mobile, 1 GB National Data, EU Roaming. You need to pay 16€ to get the Pakistan Plan by Lycamobile from Belgium.

Plan Pakistan Plan
Minutes 450 minutes to Pakistan
Data 1 GB
EU Roaming
Price 16€
Validity 30 Days

For Activation Pakistan Plan Lycamobile

*139*888# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 888 to 3535.

Thi bundle includes an EU Countries data roaming allowance of 1GB 3G. For more information on roaming within EU Countries and to view Lycamobile’s Fair Usage Policy.

Nigeria M Plan by Lycamobile

Nigeria M Plan by Lycamobile has 75 minutes to Nigeria Landline+Mobile, 1 GB Data, EU Roaming. Nigeria M Plan is available at 15€ for thirty days.

Plan Nigeria M
Minutes 75 Minutes to Nigeria Landline+Mobile
Data 1 GB
EU Roaming
Price 15€
Validity 30 days

How to Subscribe Nigeria M Plan

*139*4050# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 4050 to 3535.

This bundle includes an EU Countries data roaming allowance of 1GB 3G. For more information on roaming within EU Countries and to view Lycamobile’s Fair Usage Policy.

Nigeria L Plan by Lycamobile

Here is another plan on the list of Lycamobile Internal Plans by Lycamobile Belgium. Nigeria L Plan has 125 minutes to Nigeria landline+Mobile, 3 GB National Data, EU Roaming. This plan is available at 25€ for one month.

Plan Nigeria L
Minutes 125 Minutes to Nigeria Landline+Mobile
Data 3 GB
EU Roaming
Price 25€
Validity 30 days

Activation Code

*139*4055# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 4055 to 3535.

Ivory Coast Orange S Lycamobile Plan

Ivory Coast Orange S Plans has 60 minutes to Ivory Coast Orange. This plan by Lycamobile is available at 10€ for 1-month validity.

Plan Ivory Coast Orange S
Minutes 60 Minutes to Ivory Coast Orange
Price 10€
Validity 30 days

Activation Code

*139*831# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 831 to 3535.

No EU/EEA roaming allowance with this bundle.

Lycamobile Ivory Coast Orange M

Lycamobile International Plans for Belgium has another best plan to call Ivory Coast Orange M, In this plan, you can call 150 minutes to Ivory Orange with 20€ for 30 days validity.

Plan Ivory Coast Orange M
Minutes 150 Minutes to Ivory Coast Orange
Price 20€
Validity 30 days

Activation Code

*139*832# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 832 to 3535.

Lycamobile Philippines M Plan

Here is another International plan by the Lyca, Philippines M Plan has 500 minutes to SMART, SUN PLDT Network. This plan is available at 7€ for 30 days.

Plan Philippines M Plan
Minutes 500 Minutes to SMART, SUN PLDT Network
Price 7€
Validity 30 days

How to activate

*139*6364# and follow the instructions on the screen or Text 6364 to 3535.

(for the first 10 numbers only).

Lycamobile Philippines L Plan

Here we have last International PLan on the list of Lycamobile Belgium, Philippines L Plan has 2000 minutes to SMART, SUN PLDT Network. this plan is available at 20€ for 30 days.

Plan Philippines L Plan
Minutes 2000 Minutes to SMART, SUN PLDT Network
Price 20€
Validity 30 days

For the first 20 numbers only avail this offer.

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